The Tapping into Blog

Tapping into Podcast: Season 5 Ep 3 Tapping into Atlantis with Priscilla Campos atlantis podcast May 29, 2023

Welcome to Season 5 Episode 3 of the Tapping into Podcast!

Proudly sponsored by Olverum.  An award-winning, cult beauty and wellbeing brand steeped in ritual, powered by nature, focused on self-care and finessed by science. Pioneers in green beauty since 1931, Olverum create high-performance...

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Tapping into Podcast: Season 5 Ep 2 Tapping into Grief with Kate Marillat eft tapping grief podcast tapping tapping for kids tapping for mums May 21, 2023

Welcome to Season 5 Episode 2 of the Tapping into Podcast!

Proudly sponsored by Olverum.  An award-winning, cult beauty and wellbeing brand steeped in ritual, powered by nature, focused on self-care and finessed by science. Pioneers in green beauty since 1931, Olverum create high-performance...

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Tapping into Podcast: Season 5 Ep 1 Tapping into Crystals and Light Language with Katie Jane Wright crystals light language podcast May 15, 2023

Welcome to Season 5 Episode 1 of the Tapping into Podcast! Whoop!

Proudly sponsored by Olverum.  An award-winning, cult beauty and wellbeing brand steeped in ritual, powered by nature, focused on self-care and finessed by science. Pioneers in green beauty since 1931, Olverum create...

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Tapping / EFT Meditation - for Empaths / Highly Sensitive People eft emotional freedom technique empaths healing highly sensitive people self healing tapping tapping for mums Apr 04, 2023

EFT Tapping Meditation for Empaths + Highly Sensitive People...scroll down to tap along with me

Are you an Empath or a very sensitive person? Do people often remark - sometimes jokingly, sometimes half-admiringly or full-on in a derogatory way - "You're so sensitive!" If this sound familiar to...

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Tapping on Doubt (our goals will come true) eft tapping tapping on doubt Mar 15, 2023

Do you have a loud critical voice? Do you doubt yourself and find it hard to believe in yourself?
Well, this EFT Tapping exercise might help!

EFT Tapping, or Emotional Freedom Technique, is a powerful tool that can be used to help you release any doubts or fears that may be preventing you from...

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9 Ways To Support Yourself While Doing EFT | Tapping for Mums eft tapping Feb 21, 2023

EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) is a powerful tool for healing and transformation. It can be used to help release any emotions, memories or beliefs that are blocking you from achieving your desired goals, enjoying motherhood or living a joy-filled life. While EFT tapping is incredibly...

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5 Reasons To Become An EFT Practitioner eft practitioner training eft tapping eft training Jan 23, 2023

I am a Tapping fan. Probably fanatic. You may know how it cured me of severe PTSD (you can read about my story here) and since then it has saved me on multiple occasions!

You've probably heard me talk about how good it is and now I'm training people to be EFT practitioners you may be...

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My own healing journey with EFT Tapping & Matrix Reimprinting eft emotional freedom technique my story tapping Jan 01, 2023

First published on my old blog Saturday, 13 June 2015

It is nearly 7 months since we lost our daughter Alice. I personally have come a long way since that time. It is cliché but time does heal, however, I’ve also done a lot of work on myself too. Years of spiritual work personal...

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Reflections on 2022 and a lesson in ‘Expansion’ year review Dec 17, 2022

At the end of 2021, I ran a Manifesting workshop and in that session, I chose my word for the year – I chose Expansion.

I wanted to grow my business, reach more people, become a trainer, create a virtual team of support and create more abundance in my life. I also wanted to create more...

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EFT Tapping for Migraines and Chronic Pain chronic pain eft tapping migraines tapping Dec 08, 2022

Scroll down for the tapping points and script for this video...

EFT Tapping for Migraines
[Tapping Script is copyright of Sarah Tobin - if share please credit me and my website.]

Chronic pain disrupts the lives of more than 1.5 billion people worldwide, decreasing their quality of life and...

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Tapping for Overwhelm + 8 Ways To Ease Stress + Anxiety This Christmas christmas eft tapping tapping tapping for mums tapping for overwhelm Nov 30, 2022

Overwhelm is very common at this time of the year. We have expectations, obligations, a million to-do lists, a desire to make things perfect, lots of emotions, and perhaps grief to manage too. It can be stressful and triggering.

But it's not a fait accompli. You have more control over...

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Boy George Tapping in the Jungle - What is EFT Tapping + how to do it? boy george eft tapping tapping Nov 17, 2022

Boy George Tapping in the Jungle - What is EFT Tapping + how to do it?

Last Wednesday my phone started hopping. I was getting lots of messages letting me know that Boy George was filmed Tapping repeatedly in the jungle on 'I'm a Celebrity, Get Me Out Of Here'. I was on my way to Ireland for...

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