The Tapping into Blog
EFT Tapping Meditation for Empaths + Highly Sensitive People...scroll down to tap along with me
Are you an Empath or a very sensitive person? Do people often remark - sometimes jokingly, sometimes half-admiringly or full-on in a derogatory way - "You're so sensitive!" If this sound familiar to...
First published on my old blog Saturday, 13 June 2015
It is nearly 7 months since we lost our daughter Alice. I personally have come a long way since that time. It is cliché but time does heal, however, I’ve also done a lot of work on myself too. Years of spiritual work personal...
A client of mine recently asked me, 'What is letting go?' and I've thought about it ever since. This is certainly a tricky question, and I am no philosopher. For me personally, letting go is the acceptance that something hard/awful/tragic happened, acknowledgement of how it made/makes me...
If you are new to tapping or are curious about the proof of its efficacy then this is the episode for you!
In today's episode, I am honoured to talk to Dr Peta Stapleton. Based in Australia, Dr Peta has become the world's leading expert in the science behind tapping and proving its efficacy for...
I love you, I’m sorry, please forgive me, thank you...
I recently discovered this ancient Hawaiian healing mantra on my Birth Matrix Reimprinting training course. It really stuck with me. Every time I say it I yawn (which is my way of releasing)! All you do is say ‘I love you,...