EFT Tapping for Migraines and Chronic Pain

chronic pain eft tapping migraines tapping Dec 08, 2022

Scroll down for the tapping points and script for this video...

EFT Tapping for Migraines
[Tapping Script is copyright of Sarah Tobin - if share please credit me and my website.]

Chronic pain disrupts the lives of more than 1.5 billion people worldwide, decreasing their quality of life and overall well-being.  [Pfeifer GM. Transforming pain care: an IOM report. Am J Nurs. 2011; 111(9): 18]

This blog post will help you understand pain and explain how EFT Tapping works to reduce the pain you are feeling. I also include a video for you to watch to tap along with me to help alleviate your migraine/pain.  

What is Pain?

Migraines / headaches / chronic pain can be extremely frustrating. They can be debilitating and leave you feeling out of control and also in pain. Pain is designed to protect your body, to keep you alive: it tells you when you need to rest; when there’s danger and you need to stop that action, for example, if you touch something too hot and you need to move your hand away to avoid a burn; or when there is something wrong with your body that you need to pay attention to and seek medical help for. 

When chronic pain comes into play, the nervous system is stuck in a ‘fight or flight’ response, meaning that these two systems are functioning on overdrive and are not giving out the pain signals in the way that they should. Pain can become the norm rather than used to induce ‘fight or flight’ – the brain is stuck in a loop of feeling unsafe.

EFT Tapping for Migraines + Chronic Pain

This is where Tapping can come in very handy because EFT Tapping is used to switch off the autonomic nervous system response. Tapping sends a signal to the amygdala, which governs the parasympathetic and sympathetic stress response, and it signals that the person is safe and therefore safe to switch off the sympathetic Fight, Flight, Freeze response. This reduces cortisol and adrenaline in the blood but it also tells the brain it does not need to send the pain signals either.

When to use EFT Tapping for Migraines

As soon as you feel the familiar pain of the migraine or any other reoccurring pain in your body start tapping using the tapping points laid out below. If you are able you can tap along with me in the video below, or you can follow along with the words I provide written below. Or if you are out and about and don’t have the ability to follow along, tap on the points and say to yourself ‘I am safe’ on repeat. This is focusing on safety.

Migraines, Chronic Pain and Trauma

I believe there is a link between chronic pain and trauma because the only two reasons we go into Fight, Flight, Freeze in the first place are a threat to our physical safety or a threat to our sense of self. It would be useful to start to notice when your migraines or bouts of chronic pain start. Can you find a trigger – is there a specific stress that is causing it? When did they start? Was anything stressful happening in the year prior to them starting?

Perhaps you need to go back a lot further in your life to identify the root cause – but I have found that there very often is a root event, experience or trauma that caused the brain to send pain signals in the first place. Using EFT Tapping in a private 121 session you will be able to identify the root cause and use Tapping and other techniques to release the trauma and stop the stress response from being stuck in the signal of pain. See here for how to work with me.

Further resources

If you are impacted by migraines or chronic pain I recommend listening to this podcast by Dr Chatterjee and Dr Howard Schubiner: https://open.spotify.com/episode/2OMfNl0nJFyvdvzxxa86ye?si=727dc2463c2143ce

Tapping Points:


EFT Tapping for Migraines + Chronic Pain:

Check-in with yourself and your level of current pain on a scale of 0-10 – 10 being the worst and most intense pain you experience. Locate the pain (use your own words where appropriate if this is for non-migraine chronic pain). As you tap along note if any memories surface that may be clues to the root cause of this pain. Acknowledge the experience and continue breathing deeply and tapping while thinking about this memory. Allow yourself to let go.


If you’ve any questions about tapping please email me: [email protected] or for deeper releasing work I can help you on a 1-2-1 basis, find out more here>

Sign up today for my newsletter or take my Self-Care Quiz at the bottom of this page and receive my Self-Love Tapping Script, Tapping Script Guide and Tapping Script Template to give you more guidance on how to get started using your own words.

The Tapping Script:

Set up Statement: (tapping on the side of the hand)

Even though I have this dark pain in my head right now, I choose to forgive, love and accept myself anyway.

Even though I’ve an awful pain in my head right now and I fear its going to develop and get a lot worse, I choose to forgive, love and accept myself anyway.

Even though I’m annoyed that I have this dark pain in my head and I’m fearful its going to disrupt my day and set me back when I’m already stressed, overloaded and overwhelmed, I choose to forgive, love and accept myself anyway.

Top of the Head:

This dark pain in my head

Eye Brow:

This pounding pain

Side of the Eye:

This headache or migraine

Under Eye:

This frustrating pain in my head

Under Nose:

I hate having this pain


This pain is so debilitating

Collar Bone/ K27:

I’m always afraid I’ll get one

Under Arm:

That it will disrupt my plans


I’m afraid it will get worse


I’m afraid it won’t go away

First finger:

I never know when it will stop and fade away

Middle finger:

I’m afraid it will put me out of action for a while

Ring Finger:

I hate feeling out of control like this

Baby Finger:

This is something I feel I can’t control



Top of the Head:

This pain is stressing me out

Eye Brow:

The stress is causing me pain

Side of the Eye:

I feel so overwhelmed

Under Eye:

I hate this pain

Under Nose:

It holds me back so much


I have so many things to do

Collar Bone/ K27:

I don’t have time for this pain

Under Arm:

This dark pain in my head


Perhaps has a message for me?


Perhaps some healing needs to occur?

First finger:

Perhaps I need to let something go?

Middle finger:

Perhaps I need to slow down?

Ring Finger:

Perhaps I need some help?

Baby Finger:

Perhaps I need to reduce my stress levels?


Top of the Head:

I acknowledge this pain in my body

Eye Brow:

This pain is a message

Side of the Eye:

A part of me needs acknowledgement

Under Eye:

A part of me needs support

Under Nose:

I allow myself to see the message in this pain


I am open to seeing the opportunity

Collar Bone/ K27:

I am open to letting this pain go

Under Arm:

I choose now to release all this pain


I choose to let go of this pain in my head


I release all the stress in my head

First finger:

I let go of the fear of this migraine

Middle finger:

I release the panic and stress from this migraine

Ring Finger:

I choose to let go of this pain

Baby Finger:

It’s safe to let go of this pain

Top of the Head:

It’s safe to feel safe

Eye Brow:

I choose peace in this moment

Side of the Eye:

It’s safe to feel peace and calm

Under Eye:

I don’t need any pain

Under Nose:

I am safe without pain


I choose to live a life without pain

Collar Bone/ K27:

I choose to listen to my body

Under Arm:

I give my body what it needs


I allow my body to heal and let go


I allow my body to change

First finger:

It’s safe to change

Middle finger:

It’s safe to not have pain

Ring Finger:

I feel safe

Baby Finger:

I feel calm


If you’ve any questions about tapping please email me: [email protected] or for deeper releasing work I can help you on a 1-2-1 basis, find out more here>

Sign up today for my newsletter or take my Self-Care Quiz at the bottom of this page and receive my Self-Love Tapping Script, Tapping Script Guide and Tapping Script Template to give you more guidance on how to get started using your own words.

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