The Tapping into Blog

Tapping Meditation for Christmas Overwhelm, Stress + Anxiety christmas overwhelm tapping Dec 12, 2019


The build up to Christmas can be so stressful and overwhelming, with so much to do and organise. The day it self can be full of fear of disappointment and the expectation of perfection to create the most magical day for your family.

This Tapping/ Emotional Freedom Technique Meditation is...

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Tapping Testimonial - "Super motivated to start my 1-year booze-free journey" alcohol booze free eft sober tapping Nov 26, 2019

I’ve been in contact with Reka @fitmumsbible for a the best part of a year. Her friend, who had come to see me for a Tapping / Emotional Freedom Technique session had introduced us. Reka is planning on having an alcohol-free year in 2020 and wanted some help with Tapping. She had very...

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Tapping Meditation - Perfectly Imperfect | Imperfectly Perfect letting go tapping Aug 09, 2019

How often do we hold ourselves to the highest bar there is? How often do we feel guilt when we don't achieve it? Inspired by Sharon King who trained me in Matrix Birth Reimprinting, she used this phrase at the very beginning of our course. We hold ourselves to such a high level of expectation and...

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Tapping / EFT Meditation - Ho'oponopono - a Hawaiian Healing mantra eft emotional freedom technique hawaiian healing hawaiian healing mantra healing ho'oponopono self help tapping tapping for mums Nov 06, 2018

I love you, I’m sorry, please forgive me, thank you...

I recently discovered this ancient Hawaiian healing mantra on my Birth Matrix Reimprinting training course. It really stuck with me. Every time I say it I yawn (which is my way of releasing)! All  you do is say ‘I love you,...

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