You are invited to...
The Call
Heal the Land.
Heal the Water.
Heal your Heart.
You are being called to take part in a
5-Week Ancestral Healing Program
to clear trauma from the lands and waters of Earth,
to heal genetic imprints of the past,
and to restore the knowing of ourselves as Divine Beings.
Countdown to the next Call.
Learn more
The Time is Now
The land is calling us… and we have heard the Call. The Earth is hurting. The traumas of the past are being repeated.
Displacement, abandonment, fear, judgement, and oppression are as relevant now as they were for our ancestors. So the time is Now. It has fallen to us. We have an opportunity to end Separation Consciousness once and for all.
Peace is available Now. As we shine our Light we can heal the generations that have gone before us and those that follow us.
Our Ancestors have been waiting.
They have called us, and we are responding with open hearts.
This is The Call and everyone is Welcome!
Join Us at any time

5-Week Ancestral Trauma Healing
Join us every week for 5 weeks as we send healing to the land, to the water, to ourselves and to our ancestors through EFT Tapping, Visualisation, Healing Energy, Timewaver Frequencies, Channelled Wisdom from Astrology and Healing within the Akashic Records.
This healing series will activate a return to Wholeness and Unity with the Divine, for ourselves and the Collective.
As a result, we release dense, heavy separation energy, and re-establish the flow of Inner Trust (Feminine) and Powerful Action (Masculine) within us. We come into perfect Balance so we are able to draw upon both aspects of ourselves according to what is needed in each moment.
This is a unique, one-of-a-kind Ancestral Trauma Healing that you won't find anywhere else. We are working in the conscious and deep subconscious mind, releasing and healing on multiple levels.
No prior experience of any of the modalities are required.
What is Ancestral Trauma and why does it matter?
Ancestral trauma refers to the unresolved traumas, wounds, and patterns of suffering that have been passed down through generations in a family or community. These can include experiences of oppression, violence, displacement, loss, or any other type of trauma that has not been fully addressed or healed. These can be passed energetically, through DNA inheritance, by observation or absorption.
Ancestral trauma can manifest in various ways such as physical and mental health issues, relationship challenges, and societal inequalities. By acknowledging and healing these inherited traumas, we can break free from destructive repetitive patterns and create a healthier future for ourselves, families and communities.
Ancestral trauma is not just an individual experience - it permeates through generations and affects our collective consciousness. It is deeply rooted in the land and water, influencing our thoughts, behaviors, and relationships with ourselves, others, and the environment. This is why it's crucial to address ancestral trauma in order to create a more harmonious and balanced existence for all beings.
The 5-week Ancestral Trauma Healing serves as a powerful opportunity to understand the patterns of trauma within ourselves and our surroundings. By bringing awareness to these traumas, we can clear them from our subconscious and pave the way for healing on both individual and collective levels.
Moreover, the healing program also offers support and development opportunities for participants to continue their healing journey beyond the 5 weeks. By providing tools, resources, and a safe space to come together, we can work towards breaking free from the cycle of trauma and forging a path towards empowerment and balance.
The call for this 5-week Ancestral Trauma Healing is a call to action - to recognize ourselves in all and each other, to understand our interconnectedness with all aspects of creation, and to consciously resonate as Source-Unity. Let's honour our ancestors by taking this powerful step towards ancestral trauma healing - for ourselves, our communities, and our planet.
It didn't start with you.
It didn't start with your parents, or grandparents either. Trauma started a long long time ago and as the people of the time didn't have the tools to heal and let go of the heavy weight of that trauma it got passed down the generations energetically, genetically and through learned behaviour.
Most of us don’t even know we have it.
It can have a huge hold over our emotions, behaviours, life events, beliefs and overall happiness.
What is included?
Call 1 - 2nd November 8pm GMT:
The Story & The Why
- Why now? The group will share personal experiences leading to the creation of this healing course.
- We will learn the Astrological significance of now and what awakening looks like over the next 20-30 years from Maryellen.
- What is Ancestral Trauma - in our DNA, genetics, energy field, how it plays out etc?
- Reflection on some key traumas we are holding in our hearts during this series of healings - Ireland-focused. We are using Ireland as a blueprint for the rest of the world.
- Channelled Wisdom and Healing from the Akashic Records via Christopher
- The impact of Ancestral Trauma in the land and water
- Clare leads us in a Violet Fire healing for the land of Ireland and our own personal energy field
- Bríd will run a Timewaver Clearing and Blessing for everyone on The Call, according to the Theme for the duration of the Call (live call only).
Call 2 - 9th November 8pm GMT:
Releasing: Grief, Abandonment, Separation, Rejection & Fear, Guilt & Shame
- We discuss the energies we are holding within relating to this week's theme and how they link back to our ancestors
- Christopher channels wisdom and healing from the Akashic Records
- Sarah leads us in a Tapping sequence to help us release personal and collective energies relating to the theme and program beliefs of WE ARE ONE + WE ARE LOVED
- Bríd will run a Timewaver Clearing and Blessing for everyone on The Call, according to the Theme for the duration of the Call.
Call 3 - 16th November 8pm GMT:
Releasing: Lack, Scarcity, Poverty, Slavery, Powerlessness, Hopelessness
- We discuss the energies we are holding within relating to this week's theme and how they link back to our ancestors
- Christopher channels wisdom and healing from the Akashic Records
- Sarah leads us in a Tapping sequence to help us release personal and collective energies relating to the theme and program beliefs of I AM ENOUGH + I AM WORTHY + I AM ABUNDANT
- Bríd will run a Timewaver Clearing and Blessing for everyone on The Call, according to the Theme for the duration of the Call.
Call 4 - 23rd November 8pm GMT:
Releasing: Mistrust, disappointment, anger, betrayal
- We discuss the energies we are holding within relating to this week's theme and how they link back to our ancestors
- Christopher channels wisdom and healing from the Akashic Records
- Sarah leads us in a Tapping sequence to help us release personal and collective energies relating to the theme and program beliefs of I TRUST IN TRUE SOURCE + I FORGIVE + I LOVE MYSELF
- Bríd will run a Timewaver Clearing and Blessing for everyone on The Call, according to the Theme for the duration of the Call.
Call 5 - 30th November 8pm GMT:
Inner Union Ritual
- Release of the feminine mistrust of the masculine
- Christopher channels an Akashic Record message
- Claire will guide us in an Inner Union Ritual balancing our ability to receive and give
- Bríd will run a Timewaver Clearing and Blessing for everyone on The Call, according to the Theme for the duration of the Call.
Invitation: If you are trained in any particular energy or distant healing modality we invite you to activate that energy with the intention to support our group during our calls for additional love and magic to support the Earth, ourselves and the collective. If you are a Healy user, you are welcome to run Healy frequencies personally during these calls or you could set up a Group or send the frequencies to Mother Earth.
Note: we have also created a WhatsApp Group where we will all support each other as we go through this process over the 5 weeks and beyond. Details will be sent post-registration.
Incredible Bonuses if you avail of our Early Bird offer
10% Discount on a 5-Week Ancestral Clearing & Healing with Timewaver Pro
by Bríd Hanlon. This is an amazing program to run while we are doing this 5-week program.
Read about it here>
Healy Expert Program Discounts
40% Discount on The Cosmic Egg - Womb Restoration and Healing Healy Expert Program by Clare Fahy and Bríd Hanlon - more here>
30% Discount on the Ancestral Grace Healy Expert Program by Bríd Hanlon - more here>
Sarah Tobin's Ancestral Trauma Course
Focuses on our personal healing including modules on the Mother Wound, the Father Wound, the Sister Wound, plus her 'How to Tap' workshop and more worth £132. Avail immediately.
Discount on Akashic Record Reading with Christopher Barham
20% discount on 1:1 Session
5% discount on Akashic Course or package
Free E-book on working with the Akashic Records with either purchase - Learn about Christopher here
The Call...
Starts 2/11 and continues every Thursday night 8pm GMT for 5 weeks
Dates and times:
2nd November - 8pm GMT | 1pm PST | 4pm EST
9th November - 8pm GMT | 12pm PST | 3pm EST
16th November - 8pm GMT | 12pm PST | 3pm EST
23rd November - 8pm GMT | 12pm PST | 3pm EST
30th November - 8pm GMT | 12pm PST | 3pm EST
Use to check your country's time.
Your Guides
Take this healing journey of a lifetime supported by incredible guides, modalities and frequencies.

Sarah Tobin
EFT Tapping Practitioner + Trainer. Facilitator of deep healing in person, 121 and groups. The Call came to Sarah on Retreat in Connemara Ireland, in a house just below a famous Famine Road. Born in Dublin, now lives in the UK.

Bríd Hanlon
Bríd was born in Ireland and has been facilitating healing for 22 years as a Counsellor, Homeopath and Timewaver Practitioner. She is greatly appreciated in the Healy community for her Expert Programs and Timewaver Healing and Clearing programs.

Christopher Barham
Christopher is an Akashic Reader, Healer, and Consultant living near Toronto, Canada. His passion is supporting people in their healing and awakening processes. Christopher has great, great grandparents from Ireland!
Maryellen Kuhlmann
Maryellen works in the Houston Texas area as an occupational therapist, life and health coach who specialises in persistent pain and other complex health conditions. She celebrated her mystical Irish heritage as an astrologer for over half a century, and gained Irish citizenship by Descent in by virtue of three grandparents who were all born within several miles of each other in Longford, Ireland.

Clare Fahy
Clare is a level three Reiki Practitioner, Holistic Therapist, Healy Frequency Program Creator, mother of three and Mystic. She received The Call last year through her own experiences of ancestral memories of the Great Famine in her Irish heritage, with roots in Co. Mayo. She has since been journeying with returning to wholeness and inner union and brings forward the importance of our remembrance of sovereignty with the Divine, The Land and The Water as One.
What are Timewaver Frequencies?
Do I have to show up live?
What is a Healy and do I need one?
Who is this for?
What if I join late?
Please email [email protected] if you have any further questions.
Join us
You can join this program at any time and all bonuses will apply. As you watch the replay you will receive the healing benefits of the energy created by the group and the Timewaver Pro frequencies (see FAQs for more details).