l see you, threading water

Our comfort-zone is a place that is destroying our ability to realise our truest selves. When every day feels like a never-ending, ever-decreasing circle. You feel stuck, disconnected and remote from your potential. You don't feel good enough, you don't feel worthy.

This sense of despondence drains your life-force. You feel lost in your own life, unable to point in a direction that feels energising, empowering or authentically you. You know you deserve more, but you are tired. You feel alone, even if you are surrounded by well-meaning people. You are surviving. But you could be thriving. 


Wait list until September

I am focusing on some other projects during the summer but look forward to working with new clients from September. Scroll down to the waitlist.

Are you ready to transform?

You deserve to be well in your mind, body and spirit.
You deserve to feel worthy because you are. 
You are right to prioritise your own self-worth, and your own healing.
You need to unlock and unfreeze the past to realise your true and full potential.


It is time to realise your truth

This is dynamic, self-exploration that delves into all aspects of your life. We will unlock and re-establish balance so you may find a safe space for growth.

As your guide on this unique journey, I help empower you with EFT Tapping and other tools, to heal yourself with wisdom, truth and love. So you may find insight, acceptance and peace so you can let go of the mask and move forward; elevating your life to its fullest potential.

I'm ready when you are. 

[Note: I work with all genders and teenagers, so this support is not only available to Mums].

Stepping up: Your Elevation Journey

Your journey of healing, growth and personal ascent is unique to you. But to support your progression I have structured a 3 or 6-month programme of techniques, advice, resources plus so much more; to enable and empower you.

You will overcome the blockages of the past, release trapped energy that impedes the pursuit of your future self, your hopes and your dreams. There are 4 key stages that you will transition through and not all stages are equal in length:

STEP 1: IMMERSION: Insight - Acceptance - Release.

Identify blocks. Let go of restrictive energy and trauma. Learn what you have become.

STEP 2: VISUALISATION: Clarity - Truth - Empowerment.

Clear your vision for how you choose to live and who you want to be.

STEP 3: CREATION: Activation - Energy – Belief

Realise your power, reclaim your energy, restore you passion and purpose.

STEP 4: ELEVATION: Flow - Transformation – Control.

Meeting your future self, realising peace and mastery of your own destiny.


Your personalised programme will give you access to experience, technique, support and resources to ensure your future self remains secure.

Monthly guided self-exploration and healing private consultations.

Throughout your journey, you will have access to 6 or 12 intimate, personalised sessions dedicated to your individual growth — ideally every 2 weeks for the 3 or 6-month period. We can also schedule the frequency according to your unique needs, adjusting to your shifting requirements. Sessions are 90 minutes long but if that feels to much we can start with 60 mins and adapt accordingly.

Together, we delve into your specific energy flow and identify trauma, imbalance and past life experiences to release. We will focus on identifying beliefs created that are shaping your life with blocks and limitations, so we can free your pathway of desires for the future.

I will draw on my library of healing therapies and techniques to empower you to self-heal, supported by specific meditations and EFT sequences that will help you meet your higher self.

After each guided session you will also have access to coaching support straight to your inbox to maintain the energy flow when daily life can threaten to overwhelm your progression.

6-Month Elevation Package £1,600 (monthly payment plan available)

  • 12 x 90-minute personalised sessions with me to be used within 6-9 months of starting.
  • Email support during your transformation period including follow-up emails with a link to the recording, and any suggestions for further thinking or action between sessions.
  • Access to my Tapping into You Library - a treasure trove of 300+ pre-recorded tapping videos, meditations and downloadable resources worth £4,500+ alone
  • Individualised Quantum Healing with the Healy device during our sessions - the Healy analyses your energy field using a unique quantum sensor, designed to identify what frequencies are needed to harmonise your personal bioenergy. This innovative bio-hacking device helps ensure a coherent flow of energy through mind, body and spirit - supporting vital cellular functions to optimise your daily life.

3-Month Elevation Package £996 (monthly payment plan available)

  • 6 x 90-minute personalised sessions with me to be used within 3-5 months of starting.
  • Email support during your transformation period including follow-up emails with a link to the recording, and any suggestions for further thinking or action between sessions. 
  • Access to my Tapping into You Library - a treasure trove of 300+ pre-recorded tapping videos, meditations and downloadable resources worth £4,500+ alone
  • Individualised Quantum Healing with the Healy device during our sessions - the Healy analyses your energy field using a unique quantum sensor, designed to identify what frequencies are needed to harmonise your personal bioenergy. This innovative bio-hacking device helps ensure a coherent flow of energy through mind, body and spirit - supporting vital cellular functions to optimise your daily life.

My Signature Moves:

  • EFT Tapping - I am an EFT Practitioner (trained June 2018) and trainer (from April 2021) and have extensive experience supporting people on a 121 and group level. I have used tapping with clients on every issue imaginable including birth trauma, baby loss, childhood trauma, abuse, big trauma incidents like car crashes, phobias such as fear of flying, cravings, bullying after effects, neglect and abandonment, alcoholism, cravings, physical ailments and more.
  • Matrix Reimprinting - This is a deeper level of Tapping where we safely revisit core memories and use Tapping on the versions of us within those memories (we call that the Echo - similar to the inner child concept). We identify multiple memories that thread together based on core (or multiple) beliefs. This work can often lead us to Past Lives that are influencing your core belief in this life (as the origin point). Matrix Reimprinting can also be used surrogately on other people involved in your memories e.g. your child. This is a brilliant tool for changing our mindset and programming with positive beliefs.
  • Birth Matrix Reimprinting - This is when the matrix reimprinting technique is used for either our own birth trauma or the birth of our children, or baby loss. Separation from mum is the most negatively impactful life event we can go through, so it is important this experience is healed for both parties.  This is a slight adaptation to the traditional MR technique and I completed specific training in September 2018. 
  • Light Matrix Healing - This is a variety of techniques that are delivered in the Quantum Realm and combine visualisation and intention and multiple other spiritual tools. This field is particularly useful for Ancestral Trauma healing which is a regular feature of my client work - where you hand back to your mother and father lines the energy you carry that isn't yours and that didn't start with you.
  • Akashic Record Access + Healing - In recent years I've been developing my intuition to connect with and enter the Akashic Records. This is believed to be an energetic field that records every thought, emotion, action and memory that has ever occurred since the beginning of time. Some resonate with this energy as the Matrix / Ether / God / Source / Universal Life Force. When required I can incorporate this into my 121 work to gain further clarity or be guided on a pathway to pursue for healing.
  • Judgement-free, empathetic space holder - I've heard it all, and I judge no one. Through my work in these areas and own personal experience of grief, I have a deep spiritual understanding of life, what it throws at us and how to unfreeze ourselves so we can start to move forward in the direction of our choosing.
  • Meditation & Visualisation - where appropriate you will be guided for the support you need
  • Reiki and Rahanni-infused sessions - if appropriate I can also activate one of these two supportive and loving energies to flow to you during our sessions.
  • Healy-infused sessions - Healy is a Quantum Frequency Healing device that can send distant healing frequencies during our sessions. There is also a Coach feature that is useful to help identify deeply subconscious limiting beliefs which we can then work on with my other tools. If you have your own Healy we can discuss which program to use during our session.

I intuitively am guided in each session to use what is most appropriate at that time.

Kind Words...

"I had 1:1 tapping sessions with Sarah & attended her retreat both were amazing and completely transformative. Working with Sarah has hands down been the best investment I have made in myself. I was completely new to tapping, its power coupled with Sarah’s ability to guide is mind-blowing. It has helped me unblock so much - I feel lighter, inspired & a new sense of direction.
Sarah is truly gifted; I am sure Sarah will bring tapping to the mainstream and become a household name. I would recommend working with Sarah to anyone who wants more for themselves.
Thank you for everything & keep shining your light."

"It’s hard to describe the massive impact working with Sarah has had on my life. Covering many topics over a series of sessions (including the death of a close family member, OCD, phobias and fertility issues), I feel so much lighter and my headspace feels transformed as I've released many deep emotions from my past and present.

On top of the tapping, Sarah is able to weave her knowledge from many other areas such as energy healing, accessing the akashic records and ancestral trauma to help with a deep release of emotions. It’s amazing to see her at work – she really has a magical touch, connecting to a deeper energy and helping you to work through your issues and let go of what you need to release.

For anything thinking of working with Sarah, I definitely recommend it - it will help transform your life!

"Sarah is absolute magic. I had a series of 1:1 tapping sessions with her following the loss of my baby. Whilst ‘doing the work’ was incredibly hard and a hell of a lot of tears were shed, it was 100% worth it and I now recommend her to everyone with whatever they have going on in life. I was able to process, let go and move through things in a way I didn’t know was possible, and I felt safe enough in my body to conceive again just 1 month after we started working together. I’ve felt incredibly safe, calm and grounded during this current pregnancy and I know that our sessions had an enormous role to play in it all. There aren’t enough words to cover the breadth and depth that this inner work covers, it really is pure magic. Sarah has such a non-judgemental, loving and supportive energy – her space-holding abilities are everything I needed and more. Thank you so much."

Transform your life from September 

Get on the waitlist.

I will be in touch when ready to open my calendar to support you. *I only take on 3 clients in this capacity at any one time. 

Other ways to work with me

Self-Led Courses

I have 4 self-led courses to choose from:
The Call 1 - Ancestral Trauma Healing,
The Call 2 - a Return to Love,
5-Day Self-Love Course and
my original Ancestral Trauma Course

Tapping into You Library

Access 300+ tapping videos, audios, meditations, resources and courses from its very own 'Tapping into You' App.

Find Out More

Become an EFT Practitioner

Change your life and the lives of others by completing a 3-day Practitioner training course. 

Find Out More

Mindset & Marketing Mastery Course for EFT Practitioners, Holistic Coaches and Spiritual Teachers

Change your life and the lives of others by completing a 3-day Practitioner training course. Join the Waitlist for our Autumn Cohort.

Find Out More