Tapping for Money
Sep 13, 2023
What is your relationship with Money like?
Do you find yourself struggling to make ends meet? Do you feel that regardless of how hard you work, money seems to just slip through your fingers? Were you told you've to work really hard for money, or did you hear 'Money doesn't grow on trees'? If this is the case, then it might be time for you to tap into a more positive and abundant money mindset.
I've recently found the book 'Love Money, Money Loves You', Sarah McCrum and it is completely changing my outlook on life relating to wealth, money, abundance and self-worth. I have been recommending this book to everyone I meet!
The book outlines ways in which people can tap into a healthier relationship with money by reprogramming their minds and bodies to feel safe when receiving money and by really trusting that money is limitless. By tapping into an energy of unlimited potential, we allow ourselves to open our hearts and energy fields to the energy of money.
Tapping to Reprogram
Tapping or Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is a powerful self-help tool that uses simple tapping techniques on acupressure points of the body to help reduce stress and improve physical and emotional well-being. This technique can be used to reprogram our minds from negative thoughts about money to a more abundant outlook on life.
In the video below, I guide you through a simple Money Mindset Tapping technique which helps us release old beliefs about money and open ourselves up to the possibility of abundance. We start off by tapping on the side of our hand to set a positive intention and then move around different acupressure points, repeating affirmations that will help us create an emotional connection with money.
Using this Tapping technique can be incredibly powerful in shifting our mindset from scarcity to abundance when it comes to money. By repeating these affirmations, we can start to rebuild our relationship with money and see it as a source of peace and creativity rather than something scary or limited. Depending on your existing relationship to money, you may need to repeat this exercise for a while - perhaps daily for a week and see how things start to shift and change. Pay attention to your beliefs, to the words people around you use about money, and notice any shifts in opportunities that come your way.
Overall, Money Mindset Tapping is an accessible self-help tool that allows us to reprogram our brains from scarcity thinking to an abundance mindset. It’s simple, practical and can be done anywhere. So, if you’re looking to build a better relationship with money and create more wealth in your life, then give Money Mindset Tapping a try!
The next time you find yourself feeling stressed or anxious about money, take a few minutes to do the Money Mindset Tapping technique and watch your outlook on life shift from scarcity to abundance. This is the power of reshaping our money mindset!
Now I want to hear from you - What has your experience been like when it comes to money? Have you tried any other techniques to help with your money mindset? Let me know in the comments below or reach out to me on social media. I’d love to hear your stories.
Happy tapping! :)
You can buy Sarah's book here:
Money is an energy, akin to the energy of Love. Money wants to come to you effortlessly and easily just like love does. Money surrounds you and all you have to do is let it in, just like love.
Today we’re going to focus on retraining our mind to the way we think about money so we are connecting to it as the abundant energy of limitless potential that we are all worthy of accessing for whatever we need and want.
Check-in with yourself and your level of fear and anxiety about not having enough money on a scale of 0-10 – 10 being extremely high. Note it down and check in with this after the tapping.
Set up Statement: (tapping on the side of the hand)
Even though I have an incorrect view of money, from all the conditioning I’ve received, I’m ready to open my mind to the limitless potential of money energy and welcome it into my life in all ways.
Even though I have held myself back from allowing limitless money into my life, because of the way I have thought about money in the past, I’m ready to open my heart and energy field to the energy of money.
Even though I have limited my capacity to receive money because of my views of money and lack of self-worth, I’m so ready to change how I think about money and to welcome it into my energy field with open arms
Top of the Head: |
I release everything I thought I knew about money |
Eye Brow: |
These old ways of viewing money are limiting |
Side of the Eye: |
I am ready to open to a new way of seeing money |
Under Eye: |
I am ready to receive money in so many different ways |
Under Nose: |
Money is not dirty, evil or fearful |
Chin: |
Money is energy, power, creativity, love and light |
Collar Bone/ K27: |
I understand that money is a moving, flowing energy |
Under Arm: |
I understand I am not in control of money |
Wrist: |
Money does not need to be controlled |
Thumb: |
Money is a free loving energy and a source of peace |
First finger: |
There are no limits to money |
Middle finger: |
There is more than enough money for everyone |
Ring Finger: |
I am not desperate for money |
Baby Finger: |
I release all fear and anxiety about money |
Top of the Head: |
There is no lack of money |
Eye Brow: |
I understand lack doesn’t exist |
Side of the Eye: |
Lack if a figment of my imagination |
Under Eye: |
It is a construct of the collective mind |
Under Nose: |
Lack is not real |
Chin: |
Limitless potential is real |
Collar Bone/ K27: |
I receive money without fear, worry or anxiety |
Under Arm: |
I have a direct, conscious and open channel to the energy of money |
Wrist: |
I am a magnet for money |
Thumb: |
Money is information and I am ready to listen clearly and directly |
First finger: |
I am open to receiving money for or the item I love and want |
Middle finger: |
I always allow myself to believe I can afford anything I want |
Ring Finger: |
I am worthy of all the things I want in my life |
Baby Finger: |
I am worthy of all the money I want and desire |
Top of the Head: |
I deserve and am worthy of as much as anyone else |
Eye Brow: |
I was not created to suffer or be dissatisfied |
Side of the Eye: |
I deserve the very best life has to offer |
Under Eye: |
I am fully supported by the universe and money in every way |
Under Nose: |
I openly share and give as much money as I can |
Chin: |
I call into my life all the money I desire |
Collar Bone/ K27: |
I love money |
Under Arm: |
I call in money |
Wrist: |
I enjoy money |
Thumb: |
I spend money |
First finger: |
I invest money |
Middle finger: |
I give money |
Ring Finger: |
I take money |
Baby Finger: |
I embrace money |
Top of the Head: |
I love myself so I can accept the power and light of money |
Eye Brow: |
Money is waiting for me |
Side of the Eye: |
Money is waiting for me to claim it |
Under Eye: |
Money is waiting for me to request it |
Under Nose: |
I am open to accepting money flowing to me with ease |
Chin: |
I choose to have more money now |
Collar Bone/ K27: |
I love money and money loves me |
Under Arm: |
I choose to relax about money |
Wrist: |
There is so much money available to me and everyone else |
Thumb: |
There are no limits to money |
First finger: |
Money flows around me all of the time |
Middle finger: |
When I give more I receive more |
Ring Finger: |
I am a magnet for money |
Baby Finger: |
I love money |