🎙 Tapping into Nutrition with Thalia Pellegrini
Apr 03, 2022
In this week's episode I chat with Thalia Pellegrini, a registered nutritional therapist who has transformed her own health with good nutrition after having glandular fever in her teens, through to chronic fatigue syndrome, supported her own IVF and fertility journey through to having two healthy boys. It was her postpartum depletion and how she supported herself during that time, that has now made her the knackered mum's nutritionist.
In this episode, we chat about that journey, about how she was ‘dismantled’ by motherhood, and how she is on a mission to give mums permission to nurture and mother themselves. We discuss the importance of sleep and how it can be transformed with nutrition. I ask her, where do we start right now – and she gives us some great tips.
We also chat about the fertility journey and how nutrition can support conception, pregnancy and then most importantly beyond into the postpartum months and years.
Key takeaways:
- You are the centre of your family's universe. It is critical that mothers take care of their well-being.
- "Nutrition is not an alternative therapy" – I love that line
- Food is information for our cells, it's how we heal, how we grow, how we thrive.
- She defines healthy: "Health is energy and energy is everything. It's vibrancy, happiness, feeling amazing, so start with how do you want to feel"
- A treat for the body s nourishment, self-love and feeling amazing - not necessarily the bar of chocolate every night.
- Sleep is paramount to health. It is foundational to feeling well and sleep can actually be transformed with nutrition.
- Good nutrition can improve hormone balance, reduce stress and help lay the foundation to thrive as we get older especially as we face per-menopause and menopause.
- Top tip - start changing breakfast. Add in protein.
Fantastic in Five - Breakfasts for mums in a hurry - sign up for free download now>
About Thalia:
Thalia Pellegrini is a registered nutritional therapist (DipION mBANT CNHC). Having transformed her own health by working with a nutritionist in her 20s, she wanted to do the same for other women, and following a decade as a broadcast journalist for the BBC, Thalia retrained. She qualified in 2009 following a three-year course at the Institute of Optimum Nutrition in London. Pregnant when she graduated, and with her second baby two years later, she learnt that knowing how to nourish yourself and being able to do so when you’re an overwhelmed mum are two very different things! And so, the Knackered Mums Nutritionist was born.
She works 1:1 with women to address health issues ranging from PMS, perimenopause, weight loss and low energy and runs her signature 6-month online group program Knackered to Nourished for 40-something mums ready to feel revitalized. She is on a mission to support mums to hold their own well-being sacred.
You can find out more about Thalia by:
Joining her free Facebook group www.facebook.com/groups/nourishedmummeetup
Visit her website: www.thaliapellegrini.com
Check out Instagram: www.instagram.com/thaliapellegrini_nutrition
About Sarah:
Sarah is an Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) or Tapping Practitioner and Trainer based in the UK but originally from Dublin, Ireland. After the loss of her daughter Alice, in November 2014, suffering from severe PTSD and anxiety, she became pregnant again. This led her to seek help from a local EFT Practitioner. This technique completely transformed her life and she is now dedicated to supporting as many people as possible to let go of their trauma, grief, limiting beliefs and negative emotions, so they can live a heart-based, joy-filled life.
Sarah has a thriving Tapping into Motherhood Membership + Community with members all over the world. She runs retreats, works with clients 1:1 and also trains people to become EFT Practitioners.
Find out more at her at www.tappingformums.com or follow her at www.instagram.com/sarah_tobin
And please do jump into my DMs over on Instagram www.instagram.com/sarah_tobin and let me know what you thought of this chat with Thalia. I'd love to hear from you.