🎙 Tapping into Intuitive Eating with Lizzy Delaney
Mar 07, 2022
Welcome to Episode 2 of Season 3. Today I’m talking to Lizzy Delaney. Lizzy is health coach who specialises in intuitive and emotional eating. And what is intuitive eating I hear you ask? We'll get to that bit!!
First Lizzy takes us on a journey to talk about her relationship with food, her need for control and how she suppressed her emotions by restricting or binging on food. She compassionately and sensitively talks about this experience so I don't think this should be too triggering for those who also have these patterns of behaviour. And if you can relate to Lizzy's journey, I really do recommend listening to how she's turned her life around completely and is now dedicated to helping women do the same.
I honestly could have chatted to Lizzy for hours - she has such amazing and infectious energy, I know you're going to love her.
Key takeaways:
- The cycle of up levelling, being tested and growth
- The importance of integration
- Looking at negative situations as a gift
- Acts of surrender can help us move forward, letting go of control and move into flow
- Mindset is key to intuitive eating - or just eating (if dieting didn't exist!)
- Lack of self-worth, self-love and self-belief can be the route of our self-soothing and controlling measures
- Intuitive eating happens naturally when you are loving yourself, prioritising self-care and doing what you know is right for you
- Move from self-punishment and self-loathing to self-love
- Shift from 'should' and 'need', to 'want', 'will' and 'can'
- Benefits of intuitive eating - 'this has changed my entire life', seeing their health in a different way
About Lizzy:
She is passionate about helping women who have been yo-yo dieting for years and who struggle with emotional eating heal their relationship with food and understand themselves so that they can stop dieting and feeling out of control around food. Lizzy helps them to create their own version of healthy so that they can truly start living their lives to the full. She became involved in this incredible work after suffering from an eating disorder for 10 years followed by a further 5 years of yo-yo dieting, restrictive eating, emotional eating, poor body image and a low sense of self-worth.
She has spent years doing the deeper healing work, shifting mindset blocks and fully understanding her own relationship with food which has led her to finally feel completely free around food and fully accepting of her body, something she never thought possible. She is now incredibly passionate and devoted to this work and her ambition is to help as many people as possible to overcome their negative relationship with food and support them in having a positive and sustainable approach to their own health and happiness.
Lizzy’s work is life-changing. She has a signature process called the Happy, Healthy, Healed method that incorporates mindset work, behaviour change coaching and intuitive eating. Lizzy works 1:1 with clients and has a group program both of which are 4-month programs that work on you changing your life in a sustainable way - for good.
If you would like to chat with Lizzy or request further information you can find her on Instagram at @luv.health or you can email her at [email protected]
About Sarah:
Sarah is an Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) or Tapping Practitioner and Trainer based in the UK but originally from Dublin, Ireland. After the loss of her daughter Alice, in November 2014, suffering from severe PTSD and anxiety, she became pregnant again. This led her to seek help from a local EFT Practitioner. This technique completely transformed her life and she is now dedicated to supporting as many people as possible to let go of their trauma, grief, limiting beliefs and negative emotions, so they can live a heart-based, joy-filled life.
Sarah has a thriving Tapping into Motherhood Membership + Community with members all over the world. She runs retreats, works with clients 1:1 and also trains people to become EFT Practitioners.
Find out more at her at www.tappingformums.com or follow her at www.instagram.com/sarah_tobin
If you enjoyed our chat today or have a question, please leave a comment!!