Ancestral Trauma Course

Welcome to the Ancestral Trauma Course – your opportunity to uncover and heal the deep wounds of your ancestors.

We all carry our ancestor's stories in our blood, bones, cells and DNA; however, our ancestors’ unresolved emotional traumas can be passed down from generation to generation, affecting us and limiting our potential for joy and fulfilment.

This pre-recorded 4-module course offers an exploration into ancestral trauma, delving into the Mother & Father Wounds as well as investigating the Sister Wound. With guided meditations, tapping workshops & scripts plus bonus materials such as a Witch Wound Meditation, you will have everything you need to reclaim your power and unlock a new level of freedom.

Are you ready to uncover what's been holding you back? Join Sarah Tobin on an exploration into ancestral trauma – your journey towards healing and reclaiming your power starts here!

Module 1: Introduction to Ancestral Trauma

- Uncover the wound of separation from source energy.

- Learn why ancestral trauma can be passed down from generation to generation.

- Understand how the emotional traumas of our ancestors can still affect us today, limiting our potential for joy and fulfilment.

Modules 2 & 3 : Exploring the Mother & Father Wounds

- Discover how unresolved emotions such as shame, guilt and anger can manifest in our lives.

- Understand how our relationships to our mothers and fathers are affected by the wounds of our ancestors.

- Learn tapping techniques to start healing these ancestral wounds.

Module 4: Investigating the Sister Wound

- Explore how the energy of betrayal from the sister/friend has been passed down the generations

- Be guided into the Akashic Records to release any old contracts or vows that are not serving you anymore

Bonus Materials:
- Witch Wound Meditation
- How To Tap Workshop
- EFT Tapping Guide
- plus a Tapping Script Template.

During this course, you will uncover what’s been blocking you from being your true self and gain insight into the root cause of any physical, mental and emotional struggles.

Join me on a transformational journey towards reclaiming your power and unlocking a new level of freedom, joy and fulfilment.

What People Are Saying:

I just wanted to say thank you for a brilliant workshop last night - thank you for your amazing energy. I learnt so much! It was also so timely as it was my brother’s 40th birthday yesterday. He has had mental health problems on and off for years and seems to be following in the same pattern of one son within the family on my mother’s side (my uncle and cousin have also suffered with severe mental health problems and my grandmother’s only brother died at a young age). It almost feels there is a curse within our family that one son will suffer in this way. In my visualisation last night, my grandma came running out to take her place in the family tree and she was laughing so happily. We didn’t have the best relationship while she was alive and she was quite a serious person, but I loved her a lot. I really felt she needed me to release something for her though and I got shivers when I saw your message on your email that “your ancestors are waiting for you” as it just felt so right. I have a strained relationship with my own mother and we don’t see eye to eye but yesterday we were messaging about my grandma’s childhood and I found out that both her parents died when she was very little and she was basically alone most of her life. It explains a lot and I am so happy I was able to release some of her pain and acknowledge it for her. Also really appreciated you explaining the significance of the mother-daughter relationship and how it effects so many other aspects of your life. I really want to do more work on this.


Oh my god the visualisation was incredible, I've never felt energy like that before so thank you so so much!

Laura Gleeson

£132.00 GBP

This course is non-refundable. All information, scripts and resources are copyright of Sarah Tobin - please do not sell on, distribute or copy.

Take this 5-day pre-recorded drip-fed course guiding you through a series of Tapping sessions and a beautiful meditation + visualisation exercise that will help you see yourself in a new light, that connects you with the light of your heart - the beautiful divine presence within you - your soul.