πŸŽ™ Tapping into Ayurveda with Puja Veda

ayurveda podcast tapping Jul 18, 2022
Tapping for Mums
πŸŽ™ Tapping into Ayurveda with Puja Veda

In this week’s episode, I chat with Puja who is an Ayurvedic Practitioner. She aims to empower people to find their way to their healthiest selves using Ayurveda.

Puja gives great insight into what Ayurveda is and how it can support our system from a body, mind and emotional perspective. We hear of Puja’s journey to becoming an ayurvedic practitioner and how interwoven her Mother was in that learning. We discuss Vedic science, the doshas and the importance of finding a practitioner with the correct knowledge. Puja shares a number of practical tips around getting started with Ayurvedic practices that will have such a positive impact on your life without needing a depth of knowledge. I just know that the wisdom shared in this episode will have such a powerful impact.

Key takeaways:

  • Ayurveda is a holistic system looking at food, body and the emotions
  • It is highly tailored to the individual
  • We don’t use Ayurveda instead of Western medicine but we use it in a complementary way
  • We learn how disease manifests and that disease has an emotional element
  • Digestion is key to health
  • There are clear indicators to show that you are out of balance

I hope you enjoy this conversation and take away so much from it - I've been drinking my hot water in the morning every day since!!

About Puja:

Puja is an Ayurvedic Practitioner and Yoga teacher who empowers people to find their way to their healthiest selves. After years in the corporate world of finance, Puja started her Ayurveda training in 2018. She now works to alleviate other people’s suffering if possible and spread the world of Ayurveda, authentically without diluting it. You can download “The Insider Guide Intro to Ayurveda” for FREE by going to her website.

Website: https://pujaveda.com/

Instagram: www.instagram.com/wellnesscoach_pujaveda/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pujaveda20 

About Sarah:

Sarah is an Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) or Tapping Practitioner and Trainer based in the UK but originally from Dublin, Ireland. After the loss of her daughter Alice, in November 2014, suffering from severe PTSD and anxiety, she became pregnant again. This led her to seek help from a local EFT Practitioner. This technique completely transformed her life and she is now dedicated to supporting as many people as possible to let go of their trauma, grief, limiting beliefs and negative emotions, so they can live a heart-based, joy-filled life.

Sarah has a thriving Tapping into Motherhood Membership + Community with members all over the world - the doors are open right now. Find out more here>

Take her 'Motherhood Self-Care Toolkit Quiz' to find out which part of your life needs some self-care attention. Take the Quiz>

She runs retreats, works with clients 1:1 and is also a Trainer, teaching people to become EFT Practitioners.

Find out more at her at www.tappingformums.com  or follow her at www.instagram.com/sarah_tobin

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What part of your life needs extra self-care right now on your motherhood journey? Your mind, emotions, body or soul?

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